Your timetable will be available in your Outlook calendar, once you have paid your fees in full, your first instalment has been deducted or you have set up your loan. If a third party is paying your fees, this will be upon receipt of the request to invoice.
Some courses with industry placements or multiple groups register students into timetables at orientation so you will not receive a timetable until then.
Please note timetables are subject to change due to changes to study plans, class sizes, lecturer and room availability. You are advised to regularly check your Microsoft 365 calendar up to and including the second week of semester, to ensure you are viewing current information.
Access your personal timetable
You will need to first set up your Microsoft 365 account.
Microsoft 365(opens in a new tab) log in
Once you have logged in:
- Open Outlook, then open the calendar
- Select the week beginning of term
- Your classes should be populated from this week onwards. You should check the timetable each week for changes and classes that may commence later in the semester.
If you are experiencing difficulties viewing your timetable please:
- Check your Outlook settings, e.g. time zone, dates, weeks calendar week starts on Monday
- Check you have scrolled to the correct week in the calendar
- Try using a different web browser
- Sign out and then in again
- Reset your password
- If you are still experiencing problems please visit one of our Client Services counters for assistance.