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Key dates

Here you will find all significant dates, including when to apply, enrol or withdraw for the course of your choice. There's also TAFE holidays and term breaks, school terms and public holidays.

Semester 1, 2025 applications

Applications for On campus, Online, and Combined (Online and On campus) courses starting in Semester 1, 2025 open on Friday 6 September 2024.

You can change your preferences by logging in via
Up to Friday 1 November 2024, you can:

  1. add new preferences, for any course;
  2. change the order of the preferences;
  3. cancel preferences; or
  4. change the campus of an existing preference.

Offers (competitive courses) – Wednesday 4 December 2024 
Offers can be viewed online at and will be emailed from 12 pm. 

Offers (non-competitive courses) – 6 September 2024 to 24 January 2025
Offers are made throughout the intake for courses that are not competitive.
Offers are available online at and will be emailed.

Late applications open Saturday 2 November 2024

Late applications will be accepted for most courses, but some courses will no longer be available if filled through the main intake of applications. Students are encouraged to apply during the main intake of applications to maximise the chance of success.

Late applications close Friday 13 December 2024

Late applications close. Applications received after this date will be placed on the waitlist.

Late application offers (competitive courses) Wednesday 8 January to Friday 17 January 2025

Offers for late applications will be released as main intake enrolments are completed and available places are known. Students who do not receive an offer during this time will be placed on the waitlist

Waitlist applications open Saturday 14 December 2024
Waitlist applications will be accepted for courses not filled through the main intake and late applications. Not all courses will be available during this period, and applications will only be considered if places are still available.

Waitlist applications close Friday 7 February 2025
No further offers will be issued after this date, and students who missed out are encouraged to apply in Semester 2, 2025.


Note Semester dates can vary between portfolios, so please check with your teaching area for exact dates.

2024 Semester 1

Term 1 29 January - 5 April (10 weeks)
Term 2 15 April - 21 June (10 weeks)

2024 Semester 2

Term 3 15 July - 20 September (10 weeks)
Term 4 30 September - 6 December (10 weeks)


New Year's Day Monday 1 January
Australia Day Friday 26 January
Labour Day Monday 4 March
Good Friday Friday 29 March
Easter Sunday Sunday 31 March
Easter Monday Monday 1 April
Anzac Day Thursday 25 April
Western Australia Day Monday 3 June
King's Birthday Monday 23 September
Christmas Day Wednesday 25 December
Boxing Day Thursday 26 December

Dates may vary slightly from North Metropolitan TAFE. Further information and term dates for other years can be found on the Department of Education website.


Term 1 Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2 Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3 Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4 Monday 7 October - Thursday 12 December




26 January

Survival Day

  • Known as “Australia Day”
  • 26 January 1788 is the day First Fleet commander Captain Arthur Phillip rowed ashore at Sydney Cove, raised the Union Jack and proclaimed British sovereignty over part of the continent in 1788.
  • First Nation’s mark this day as the day they survived British Colonisation.

13 February

National Apology Day

  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered the apology to Stolen Generations in 2008

21 February

International Mother Language Day

  • Pre-colonisation Australia had over 250 languages but the threat of language loss is a serious risk to First Nation’s people’s culture and heritage
  • It was made illegal for First Nations people to speak their mother tongue up until the 1970s due to government policy

Third Thursday of March

National Close the Gap Day

  • Closing the Gap is a National Agreement and commitment to the betterment of First Nations lives.

21 March

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

  • In Australia this is known as “Harmony Day” as Prime Minister John Howard did not believe Australia needed to actively combat racism – inherently denying racism existed in Australia.

5 April, 1997

“Bringing Them Home” Stolen Generations 1997 report was released. 

  • The report was the result of a national inquiry that investigated the forced removal of Indigenous children from their families. This marked a pivotal moment in the healing journey of many Stolen Generations members. It was the first time their stories—stories of being taken from their families—were acknowledged in such a way

15 April, 1991

Aboriginal Deaths in Custody report by the Royal Commission was released. 

  • On 10 August 1987 Prime Minister Hawke announced the formation of a Royal Commission to investigate the causes of deaths of Aboriginal people who were held in state and territory gaols.
  • The Royal Commission produced a number of reports, including individual reports for each death investigated. 
  • The final report, signed on 15 April 1991, made 339 recommendations.

1 May, 1946

Pilbara Aboriginal Stockmen’s Strike

Hundreds of Aboriginal pastoral workers left their work for better pay and conditions in May 1946, paralysing sheep stations. The strike was organised with no phones or radios and lasted until 1949, the longest strike in Australia's history.

26 May

National Sorry Day

  • First “Sorry Day” was in 1998
  • Day to remember the removal of First Nations children from their families. The children affected are now known as the Stolen Generations.

27 May

Anniversary of the 1967 referendum

  • It changed the constitution to allow First Nations people to be counted in the census and to enable the Commonwealth government to make laws for First Nations people.

29 May


  • 29 May 1992 was the launch of the Torres Strait Islander flag, designed by Bernard Namonk
27 May – 3 June National Reconciliation Week
  • This week celebrations First Nations history and culture and is intended to create discussion and opportunity for non-First Nations Australia to reconcile with First Nations people.

3 June

Mabo Day

  • Celebrates the 1992 High Court decision thar rules in favour of Eddie Koiki Mabo and others who’s people had occupied the island of Mer in the Torres Strait prior to the British arrival
  • This historic decision effectively recognised the existence of native title rights and rejected the concept of terra nullius, which claimed Australia was a land belonging to no-one prior to British colonisation.

11 June 1988

Barunga Statement

  • Presented by First Nations people to Prime Minister Hawke.

21 June, 2007

Prime Minister John Howard declares the Northern Territory Intervention.

  • In June 2007, the federal government staged a massive intervention in the NT to "protect Aboriginal children" from sexual abuse. Without consultation Aboriginal peoples' lives were heavily regulated, and many felt ashamed and angry.
  • Despite wide-spread protests the intervention was extended until 2022.

First week of July


  • Celebration of the history, culture and achievements of First Nation’s people.

4 August

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day

  • Celebration of First Nation’s children
  • August 4th was the recorded birthday of many children they took away from their parents
  • There is also a focus now on prevalent themes in First Nation’s children’s lives such as poverty, education access

9 August

UN’s International Day of Indigenous Peoples

  • The goal is to strengthen international awareness and cooperation for solutions to the problems faced by First Nations people in human rights, development, health, etc.

First Wednesday of September

Indigenous Literacy Day

  • Opportunity to fundraise and advocate for remote communities to have equal access to literacy resources.

26 October 1985


  • Uluru is returned to Traditional Owners.

30 October 1975

Racial Discrimination Act takes effect.

  • The Act makes racial discrimination in certain contexts unlawful in Australia, and also overrides state and territory legislation to the extent of any inconsistency.