General enquiries
Opening hours
Normal business hours
Monday to Friday | 8:00am to 4:00pm |
Term break (holiday) hours
Monday to Friday | 9:00am to 4:00pm |
Complaints and feedback
To provide us with your feedback or make a formal complaint, see our Complaints and feedback page.
Are you looking for student, staff or administrative records?
See our Are you looking for information? page.
Ask a question
Use the general enquiry form below to send us your question and we'll get one of our customer service reps to get back to you as soon as we can. If you are on a mobile device, you may need to open the form in a new window(opens in a new tab) .
Note: there are also various contact details for specific sections of the college at the bottom of this page.
Further contact information
Please see our Library contact page for address details and opening hours for each campus.
The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) gives right of access to information held by North Metropolitan TAFE.
The FOI Act requires North Metropolitan TAFE to make available details about the kind of information we hold and enables persons to ensure that personal information held by North Metropolitan TAFE about them is "accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading".
The Information Statement (138 KB) (Word document) is provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 94 of the FOI Act and provides details regarding information held North Metropolitan TAFE and how to request access.
Are you looking for information?
For more information
Information Integrity Consultant
North Metropolitan TAFE
Locked Bag 6
Northbridge WA 6865
T (08) 9427 1044