What is VET Delivered to Secondary Students?
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Delivered to Secondary Students is a program delivered to Year 10, 11 and 12 school students as part of your Western Australian Certificate of Education.
We specifically choose courses that provide clear career pathways after high school. They will give you practical skills and an understanding of what to expect from the workplace and, once completed, may provide credits towards other nationally recognised qualifications, or lead to employment.
Students enrolled in a VET Delivered to Secondary Students course attend a North Metropolitan TAFE campus one or two days per week.
North Metropolitan TAFE offers a range of courses and pre-apprenticeships as part of our VET Delivered to Secondary Students programs.
VET Delivered to Secondary Students courses allow you to:
- Develop industry-specific skills
- Gain nationally recognised VET qualifications and units of competency while completing your Western Australian Certificate of Education
- Develop employability skills
- Gain an understanding of the world of work, providing you with valuable experience to assist with planning and pursuing your career pathways.
How to apply and other important information
North Metropolitan TAFE offers VET Delivered to Secondary Students courses to all secondary school students throughout the Perth metropolitan area.
You must be completing Year 10, 11 or 12 next year to be eligible to apply.
You must be an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or temporary resident holding one of the following visa types:
Holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820 visa;
- Secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457or 482 visa;
- Holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790;
- Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786;
- Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449; and
- Holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866.
Our VET Delivered to Secondary Students courses are extremely competitive, therefore it is recommended you provide as much evidence as possible to support your application.
These documents must be uploaded when applying through our online application system. To complete the application you will need:
- Western Australian Student number (WASN). This can be found on your school report or speak with your school’s VET Coordinator.
- Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. If you have not already created the USI then you will need to visit our USI page first.
- Most recent school report in an electronic format ie PDF (‘C’ grade or above in mathematics and English is required for all programs).
- OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) Report (if applicable).
- Parent/guardian email address and mobile phone number.
- A Student Statement outlining why you should be selected to participate in the course (please note there is a limit of 1000 characters that can be entered in this section).
- Additional supporting information such as:
- Resume (if you have done any paid or volunteer work)
- References
- Certificates (leadership, sporting, first aid etc.)
The school will be asked to endorse and support the application before the selection process begins.
For more information, please contact your school VET coordinator.
Secondary school students undertaking VET courses as part of their secondary education including pre-apprenticeships in schools (PAiS) courses are exempt from tuition, resource and enrolment fees (excludes courses advertised as Fee for Service).
However, depending on the chosen course, students may be required to pay incidental fees, obtain a First Aid Certificate from an external RTO such as St John, purchase a uniform, protective equipment, text books or trade equipment/tools.
You are responsible for your own transport arrangements to and from the North Metropolitan TAFE campuses and training centres.
You are also responsible for ensuring that you attend all scheduled classes, including those that may occur on a school designated pupil free day. Attendance will be recorded and any absences are reported to the school. The school’s VET Coordinator will be contacted to discuss the appropriateness of a student continuing if there are repeated absences.
You are required to inform your lecturer in advance if you will be absent from any scheduled classes. Poor attendance may mean withdrawal from the course.
As a student attending a VET Delivered to Secondary Students course at North Metropolitan TAFE you will have the opportunity to learn in an adult environment with students of all ages and diverse backgrounds.
There is an expectation that when attending classes you will assume a greater responsibility for your own care and safety than may be the case when attending school.
As with all students enrolled at North Metropolitan TAFE, you are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
While attending North Metropolitan TAFE, you are under the supervision of the lecturer taking the class.
You will not be supervised during break times.
You are expected to remain within the college grounds unless you provide your lecturer with written notification from a parent or the school that you intend to leave the college grounds during the lunch break or earlier than the advertised class finish time.
Some courses may involve work practice/experience to support the learning program.
Under each course you will find details of any work practice requirements. You will be required to document work practice hours and provide your lecturer with a copy.
You will be responsible for arranging your own transport to and from the workplace.
In the VET Delivered to Secondary Students Course Guide, under each course, you will find the items that you will need to bring with you to complete your chosen course.
You are not required to wear your school uniform when on campus but you are expected to dress appropriately.
Where special or protective clothing and/or footwear is required, it must be worn without exception. If you forget to bring protective clothing you will be excluded from the campus workshops/classes and your school will be informed.
Our VET Delivered to Secondary Students program welcomes all students.
If you require learning, wellbeing or personal support while at TAFE please discuss your needs with your school.
Your school will advise us of the support that will be provided to you while you are attending TAFE classes, and how TAFE lecturers can ensure that your support requirements are accommodated.
North Metropolitan TAFE strives to provide an environment that supports the health and wellbeing of all our students. The College will:
- Promote a friendly and inclusive environment where bullying and any form of harassment are not accepted. Any student experiencing bullying or harassment of any kind should inform a North Metropolitan TAFE staff member immediately.
- Follow the relevant OSH policy, guidelines, and practices.
- Provide first-aid assistance to students.
- Implement the Emergency Response Plan in case of an emergency.
- Arrange medical attention and contact the parent/guardian and student’s school if they sustain an injury or illness requiring medical attention whilst on campus. Please note that any costs, incurred because of accident or illness, are the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian.
VET Delivered to Secondary Students courses
We have selected the following courses to offer you both a breadth in choice and a clear pathway into post-school training options that provide strong future employment opportunities.
VET Delivered to Secondary Students course list (3 MB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)
VET Delivered to Secondary Students course guide (24 MB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)
VETDSS Application Guide 2025 (714 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Contact us
VETDSS applications for 2025 open 15 July 2024 and close 1 September 2024.
For general questions and administration, please contact our VET Delivered to Secondary Students administration team.
Lizel Oosthuizen, VET Delivered to Secondary Students Coordinator