5 December 2022
North Metropolitan TAFE (NMTAFE) nursing and dental students and staff are working together to create an excellent training experience.
Through the Nursing and Dental Student Advisory Working Group, students and graduates have the opportunity to provide feedback and advice, and share ideas with lecturers and staff from Client Services, Koolark – Centre of Aboriginal Students(opens in a new tab) , Accessibility and Learning(opens in a new tab) Support and International student support(opens in a new tab) .
The group supports collaboration, where students provide feedback to their lecturers and support staff, so that changes can be implemented in real-time, ensuring the best learning experience for all. Our staff also update students on any key academic or support items.
Dental student Ayomide Afolabi joined the advisory group earlier this year and has enjoyed being able to create positive change that is benefitting his peers.
“I have been able to provide recommendations for improvement in the dental program and represent my TAFE peers. The lecturers have been very responsive,” he said.
Nursing graduate Reagan Dixon strongly recommends that students get involved in the group and has enjoyed making valuable contributions.
“Through the group I was able to be the point of contact for my peers, relay how they were feeling about their course and any concerns they had back to the group,” he said.
“It’s so important to help others, just like we already do in this industry. We’re making sure the next generation of students have an enjoyable experience.”
Meeting quarterly, the group has already created positive changes to the student experience.
NMTAFE Director of Nursing Helen Hull says the focus of the group is improving student engagement across their courses.
“Our students have really innovative ideas and the opportunity for meaningful discussion between staff and students is so important,” she says.
“We have already made changes to our training based on the feedback of students. For instance, they told us that face-to-face delivery was the best way for them to learn, so we have increased this across our nursing and dental courses.”
A notable achievement of the group is the addition of video interviews with diverse students, as the group really wanted to increase diversity in the nursing program. These new videos encourage diverse students to apply, which has really added value to the program.
Other selected key achievements of the group include the implementation of a nursing graduation, sharing of scholarship information, streamlined Blackboard shells and an increase in creative content.
Applications are open now to study with us in 2023, find out more about our enrolled nursing(opens in a new tab) and dental(opens in a new tab) courses.