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Apprenticeship completions process

Has your apprentice successfully completed a training contract?

A training contract is successfully completed when there is agreement from the employer, registered training  organisation  (RTO)  and  apprentice*  that  the  apprentice  has  attained  all  the  required  competencies for the qualification. The RTO is responsible for reporting a successful completion date between the RTO and parties (employer and apprentice) to the training contract.

Early Completion

Once your apprentice has completed 100% of the Training Plan we will contact you to advise that off the job study is completed. You have the option at this time of signing your apprentice off as complete which will bring forward the completion date. Should you feel that your apprentice still requires time to develop their skills on the job, you can opt to continue until the scheduled completion date.


Approximately  six  weeks  prior  to  the  completion  date  of  the  apprenticeship,  the  Apprentice  Management  Team  (AMT)  will  confirm  that  all  TAFE  requirements have been met, and then issue a Training Contract Completion Agreement (TCCA) via email to the employer. This is to be signed by  the  employer  and  apprentice  and  returned  to  the  AMT.  Completion  forms  cannot  be  backdated  so  it  is  important  to  ensure  that  this  documentation is signed in a timely manner.

Training Contract Extension

A  training  contract  may  be  extended  if  both  the  apprentice  or  trainee  and  the  employer  agree  that  the  training  required  will  not  be   completed   within   the   nominal   term.   You   can   process   an   extension  to  the Training  Contract  via It is important that any application to extend is make prior the end date. Should this date pass the contract will expire and should your business wish to continue the training contract you will need to re-indenture this student on a new contract. Once the extension has been processed, you may wish to make contact with the Academic Team to ensure that your company and the trainee are aware of what work and on the job training is still required for successful completion.

Please note

On the completion date if all parties have signed the TCCA, AMT will lodge the completion with the Apprenticeship Office. Once this is processed by the Apprenticeship Office your Trade Certificate will be issued. 

If you have not received your Trade Certification within five working days of your completion date please contact the Apprenticeship office on 13 19 54.

The completion documentation will be forwarded to the North Metropolitan TAFE Awards area for processing and issuing of your TAFE Certificate.  Please  note that the TAFE Qualification cannot be issued before the Training Contact Completion advice is received.

Students and employers will receive a confirmation email on the date of completion. Students in licensed trades will also receive the documentation required to take to the relevant licensing board.

Please direct your queries to appropriate team to ensure a correct response.

Type of enquiry Contact
Trade Papers/Trade Certification (please ensure that your completion date has passed prior to follow up) Apprenticeship Office
North Metropolitan TAFE follow up North Metropolitan TAFE - Awards team